In Understanding Four Views on Baptism, four historic views on baptism are considered in depth: Baptist view: baptism of the professing regenerate by immersion (presented by Thomas J. Nettles) Reformed view: infant baptism of children of ...
Who Runs the Church? explores questions such as: What model for governing the church does the Bible provide, and is such a model given for practical or spiritual reasons? Is there room for different methods within Christianity?
What happens when we eat the bread and drink from the cup? What do Christians disagree about and what do they hold in common? These and other questions are explored in this volume of the fair-minded, informative Counterpoints series.
What does this meal mean? What happens when we eat the bread and drink from the cup? What do Christians disagree about and what do they hold in common? These and other questions are explored in this thought-provoking book.
But what exactly is Church Growth? In what ways has the movement actually brought growth to the church, and how effective has it been in doing so? What are its strengths and weaknesses? This timely book addresses such questions.
Using the classic Counterpoints forum of presentation-critique-response, this insightful book explores four prominent views of baptism held by different branches of Protestantism: Baptist, Christian Church/Church of Christ, Lutheran, and ...
This Counterpoints volume explores the biblical and practical cases for the three main evangelical views on remarriage after divorce: Remarriage is not acceptable after divorce - defended by Gordon J. Wenham Remarriage is acceptable only ...
This timely volume in the Counterpoints series addresses the history of the movement that has become such an enormous shaping force on the Western church today, and it explores--in a roundtable forum of leading voices--five main ...
A biblical and practical summary of the three main views among evangelicals on remarriage after divorce, including some of the practical implications for church life, author interactive responses to each chapter, and group discussion ...
In the acclaimed Counterpoints series of books contrasting multiple views, this book explores four different models of church government--their history, foundations, and practical implications.