Describes the voyages of Columbus, the terrible impact of the Spaniards on the Indians, and the ultimate cultural influence of the Native Americans on their white conquerors.
A documented account of the growth of the American labor movement from the Civil War to World War I. Examines labor conditions resulting from the change to mass production in mine, mill, and railroad; child labor; women workers; tenement ...
Examines the life of the reclusive nineteenth-century Massachusetts poet whose posthumously published poetry brought her the public attention she had carefully avoided during her lifetime.
Surveys the history of pirates, why and how they became thieves and killers, the lives they led on sea and on land, the harm they did, and the fates they suffered.
Profiles the solitary student of Ralph Waldo Emerson who was well-known as a naturalist in his own time but who became posthumously famous for his writings.
Presents a history of pacifism and those who have protested against war, concentrating on war resistance in the United States from colonial days to the present and concerns about nuclear arms and terrorism.