A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: Chiefly Adapted for Public Worship ... De Edward Davies (of Kingswinford.) ...
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Edward "Celtic" Davies (7 June 1756 – 7 January 1831) was a Welsh writer and Anglican clergyman whose most influential work examined the origins of Celtic ...
Termes manquants : Kingswinford.) | Afficher les résultats avec :Kingswinford.)
Edward Davies (1827–December 8, 1905) was an American minister, author, and publisher of the Welsh Congregational magazine, the Cenhadwr.
Termes manquants : Kingswinford.) | Afficher les résultats avec :Kingswinford.)
27 sept. 2024 · William Edward Davies, better known as Bill to his friends and family, passed away peacefully on September 23, 2024, at the age of 69 in Boalsburg, ...
13 nov. 2023 · Davies currently serves as the superintendent and industrial pretreatment program coordinator of the Quonset Development Corporation's wastewater treatment ...
Termes manquants : inauthor: Kingswinford.)
1 janv. 2002 · Born in St. Paul, Minnesota on 13 September 1917, Davies was the youngest of the three children of Albert Daniel and Lucille McCabe Davies.
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Anthracite Aristocracy: Leadership and Social Change in the Hard Coal Regions of Northeastern Pennsylvania, 1800-1930 [Davies, Edward] on
Termes manquants : Kingswinford.) | Afficher les résultats avec :Kingswinford.)
Name: Edward Davies Pseudonym: Celtic Davies Date of birth: 1756. Date of death: 1831. Gender: Male Occupation: cleric and author
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