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"inauthor: Friend to the Jews" sur
... Jew- ish friend, Isidor Witkowsfei! But Harden served his master well.' Often at the expense of his own security, courting the unpopularity of the highest Jnen in author- ity^ Harden took up the cause of Bismarck. Nothing that he evfer ...
"inauthor: Friend to the Jews" sur
... person-organizer ; Marlene Golden, Kitty Silver, Cecile Mushkat, Gertie ... Jewish TV personality, Geraldo Rivera. Dr. Marshall Jay Glesby, son of Mr ... in author Sam Shepard's play of sibling rivalry, True West. Kerry keeps in ...
"inauthor: Friend to the Jews" sur
He Puts Jews in Author Declares It Hard to Define Them Closely Memoirt of an English Publisher and Author Woman With ... person a Jew any more than ability to spenk Greek makes one a Greek." he says. Nor does the perfunctory ...
"inauthor: Friend to the Jews" sur
... for the ideals of traditional Judaism, and the FROM OLD FRIEND strengthening of the year-round 2. The conviction in author!- ,one more program of the synagogue." Mem- tative quarters that President. bers and friends are invited.
"inauthor: Friend to the Jews" sur
... Jewish Events Women Tiles. Council of Jewish Women Tucs,. Sttinncl Cnnnon ... inauthor. Mr. Cnnnon h tensive study of this writer, and is very well ... friends, but all others ' interested. Hndassah Course On Pnlestinc History. A ...
"inauthor: Friend to the Jews" sur
... friend. As usual in author Howard Engel's crime novels, the mystery is not ... Jewish community is concerned with keeping the lid on, with not exposing ... people worked hard for their money, Benny. . . . Now you want them exposed ...
"inauthor: Friend to the Jews" sur
Private Jewish warfare feared. TEL AVIV (AP) Tweilly. five years UgO, Jewish ... friends who sharu his views. But the Israeli government, mindful of its ... in author Michael Elkins says that a barj of survivors from Second World War ...
"inauthor: Friend to the Jews" sur
... Jews were .not the people to take_a»d keep thi* mental attitude; and, indeed ... Jew* cling strangely to a book whose hi*- U>ry records their defeat ... IN Author W the only general toe****-* i_. J. ttmf W *• no ***' Vfcspv other ...
"inauthor: Friend to the Jews" sur
... Someone in author- illy should take a stand on the issue.' Miss Vandcrbilt, how much free time do you have? "J also ... Jewish recipe, and sure enough it was. I called a rabbi who helps me with the column and he said, "You are talking about ...
"inauthor: Friend to the Jews" sur
... friends, chapters iii-xxxl. Address of Elihu, chapters irxli to Discourse of ... Jewish doctrine that God's displeasure was a sign of wrongdoing. But ... in. Author League. St, Itark'i Beformed Cburob, — Lehlgh and Tenth streets ...