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"inauthor: Thomas Harmer" sur
... in author- ity in his nation , remained true to his pledges as the friend of the Americans . For a time he stood ... Harmer's defeat by the Western Indians during the preceding fall , early in 1791 Colonel Thomas Proctor , who had ...
"inauthor: Thomas Harmer" sur
... in author takes occasion to express in Feb. 26 , Rev. THOMAS URWICK , very affectionate terms , his respect ( see p . 161. ) Concerning this truly for the character of Mr. Harmer , spectable divine , it may be added to then lately ...
"inauthor: Thomas Harmer" sur
... THOMAS JENKINS . ment is not without sympathy or support hear what I have to say tomorrow . I Oklahoma : PAGE ... HARMER D. DENNY , Jr. confidence in its top executive leadermy report to this august body and to the South Dakota ...
"inauthor: Thomas Harmer" sur
Le père Henri Trilles a été l'un des premiers Européens à entrer en contact avec les Fang, peuple de la grande forêt équatoriale.
"inauthor: Thomas Harmer" sur
... Thomas JR Hamilton MA see Middlekauff HR Hamilton MA see Pitts B Hamilton MP see Bhattacharya S Hamilton PD see ... Harmer CL . Value of protein - bound radioactive iodine measurements in the management of differentiated thyroid ...
"inauthor: Thomas Harmer" sur
Ces Dits de la Proue furent unanimement salués comme un chef-d'œuvre au moment de leur parution en 1899, consacrant Andréas Karkavitsas comme l'un des maîtres de la prose néo-hellénique.