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Follow Vincent Chiedu and explore their bibliography from's Vincent Chiedu Author Page.
The Wisdom of the Serpent - Understanding Your Role in the Kingdom of God ; By: Vincent Chiedu ; Price: $13.98 ; Publisher: Xulon Press : 2007 ; Seller ID: 5454819.
Vincent Chiedu(4) ; The Wisdom of the Serpent - Understanding Your Role in the Kingdom of God (Paperback). The Wisdom of the Serpent - Understanding Your Role in ...
Vincent Chiedu's Books ; The Wisdom of the Serpent - Understanding Your Role in the Ki... by The Wisdom of the Serpent - Understanding Your Role in the Ki...
Looking for books by Vincent Chiedu? See all books authored by Vincent Chiedu, including 100 THINGS JESUS DID NOT SAY, The Wisdom of the Serpent ...
(2) · En stock
Book details · Print length. 384 pages · Language. English · Publisher. Xulon Press · Publication date. August 31, 2015 · Dimensions. 6.14 x 1 x 9.21 inches · ISBN-10.
Breaking down myths, fantasies and old wives tales about what Jesus actually taught.
Explore books by Vincent Chiedu with our selection at Click and Collect from your local Waterstones or get FREE UK delivery on orders over ...
26 déc. 2017 · Channels BookClub Hosts 100 Things Jesus Did Not Say Author Vincent Chiedu Pt.2 137 views 6 years ago
I am a highly motivated, able and driven Manager able to lead a team to interpret and actualize corporate objectives with positive impact on the bottom line.