"inauthor: George Gibbs (baptist.)" sur
... George Giffin interview with author , June 8 , 2004 , BCHLSCA . 25. Ibid ... Gibbs Kinderman to George Giffin , September 24 , 2004 , in author's ... Baptist Church in Birmingham in the late 1950s . She claims to have known the ...
"inauthor: George Gibbs (baptist.)" sur
... George Whitefield [ 1714-1770 ] and were converted to Methodism " ( informally written manuscript by Mary Christiana Jones , " The Browne Family History " in Family Register - in author's ... Baptist Church , Oct. 7 , 1857 , Freestone County ...
"inauthor: George Gibbs (baptist.)" sur
... George Putnam , who recently celebrated his 87th birthday and 26th ... Baptist Church in Athens , TX , was selected from more than 600 nominations ... Gibbs joined the artist management division of Mitchell Artist Management ...
"inauthor: George Gibbs (baptist.)" sur
La meilleure amie de Sudie, Mary Agnes, onze ans, décrit comment, en Géorgie dans les années 1940, la jeune Sudie s'implique avec Simpson, un veuf noir aigri.
"inauthor: George Gibbs (baptist.)" sur
Aussi longtemps que les rivières couleront est rempli de personnages attachants. On y parle de douleur et de guérison et, en fin de compte, du désir de vivre.