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8 mai 2009 · This paper examines the intellectual and social environment that gave rise to this milestone legislation, the details of its passage, and the ...
... britain , 16 , 4 : {1=1, 4=2, 7=1, 9=12} britannica , 4 , 2 : {3=1, 8=3} british , 15 , 7 : {1=1, 3=1, 5=2, 7=1, 8=2, 9=7, 11=1} broadcast , 2 , 1 : {3=2} ...
139 British House of Commons, Report from the Select Committee on Slave Trade Treaties: Together with the. Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence ...
We have heard from the Hon member for Charlottetown - that this feeling is but in its infancy - I trust that it will die so, and never again attain stature ...
The whole fabric of literary tradition depends on the dignity ascribed to the unread great. The classics are the pillars of society because they are panoplied ...
The examples of the varied educational initiatives noted by Gallagher in Chapter 6 on education exemplify the history of such emerging ideas – i.e. the long ...
Full text of "The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia : a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson". See other formats.
Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons Appointed to Inquire Into the Education of the Lower Orders in the Metropolis. With the Minutes of ...
Power rivalry between the communist-socialist and democratic-capitalist during the Cold War period (bipolarity structure) had resulted the Indonesian Coup 1965.
This research reveals a hidden history of working-class women's lives and agency in industrial East London, 1840 to 1914. “Sweated” industrial women were ...