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... Pocock in a weekly review entitled The Academy.16 Pocock drew attention to 'as many as seven variations' between the facsimile tracing in Tregelles' edition.
This dissertation explores the issue of ugliness in modem French culture. Within a broad framework of the relation between the self and the other, ...
Cite. 'References', The Kanak Awakening: The Rise of Nationalism in New Caledonia ( Honolulu, HI , 2013; online edn, Hawai'i Scholarship Online, 17 Nov. 2016), ...
Full text of "Catalogue of the library, manuscripts, autograph letters, maps and prints". See other formats. i 1 X ^ Tuesday and following days, ...
19 déc. 2014 · Si l'on voulait se risquer à la tâche impossible de résumer en une phrase un parcours de recherche aussi riche et varié que celui d'Irena ...
Full text of "Catalogue of the Library: Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Maps and Prints ..." See other formats. Google This is a digital copy of a book that ...
It examines how the Tridentine reforms inspired conflict and conversion, and evaluates lives and identities, spirituality, culture and religious change. This ...