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"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
"Le premier roman depuis des années à faire résonner des thèmes aussi profonds, dostoïevskiens... [Bret Easton Ellis] nous oblige à regarder en face l'intolérable, ce que peu de romanciers ont le courage de faire." Norman Mailer.
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Paul Manafort: American Hustler,” Atlantic, March 2018. See also Cannon, DuBose, and Reid, Boy Genuis. 19. Nicholas ... Buckley, “A Landmark Decision Turns Forty: A Conversation on Buckley v. Valeo,” Journal of Law and Policy 25 ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Buckley in The Yardstick ( Nov. 19 , 1951 ) , in folder 193 , box 410 , WFB . On Catholics and modern conservatism , see Patrick Allitt , Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics in America , 1950-1985 ( Ithaca , 1993 ) . 31. Paul ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Paul J. Myer personal collection , in author's possession . 46 Keefer interview . 47 Claudia Bernard , “ Moratorium ... Buckley , “ Questions about Nixon Hope to Lower Vote Age , ” Bismarck Tribune ( March 14 , 1969 ) , 4 . 16 John ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Buckley ( second quotation ) , Elizabeth Dade Embick Wedemeyer , and Margaret Forsythe Camp ; Ada Baker Shelton ... Paul J. Matte and Robert G. Matte . 50. Ivins , " Monkeys Have No Tails , " 9 . 51. Maurer Maurer , Aviation in the ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... in author's possession . 2. Cited in William F. Buckley Jr. , Miles Gone By : A Literary Autobiography ( Washington , D.C .: Regnery , 2004 ) , 514-15 . 3. See Paul Gottfried and Thomas Fleming , The Conservative Movement ( Boston ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Buckley , Jr. , McGeorge Bundy , Henry Chauncey , Jr. , Inslee Clark , Arthur Howe , Paul Moore , Jr. , William Stack , Eustace Theodore , and James Tobin . Whitney Griswold's schedule : Author's interviews with Henry Chauncey , Jr. 142 ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Paul Prucha, The Sword of the Republic: The United States Army on the Frontier, 1783–1846 (Lincoln: University of ... Buckley, William Clark, 209. 34. Black Hawk, Life of Black Hawk, 79–82; Jung, The Black Hawk War of 1832, 150. 35 ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Buckley Remembered , ” Laredo Morning Times , February 13 , 2013 ; Personal Papers of Esther Gonzalez - Arroyo ... Paul Burka , " Why They Won : What the Elections Mean for Texas , " Texas Monthly , December 1984 . 67. Scott ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Buckley's Words Revived , " New York Times , March 21 , 1931 , 3 . 26. " Killing of Buckley Arouses Detroit ; Hint ... Paul White Dies ; Radio 176 NOTES TO CHAPTER 1.