"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
"Le premier roman depuis des années à faire résonner des thèmes aussi profonds, dostoïevskiens... [Bret Easton Ellis] nous oblige à regarder en face l'intolérable, ce que peu de romanciers ont le courage de faire." Norman Mailer.
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... in author's possession . 2. Cited in William F. Buckley Jr. , Miles Gone By : A Literary Autobiography ( Washington , D.C .: Regnery , 2004 ) , 514-15 . 3. See Paul Gottfried and Thomas Fleming , The Conservative Movement ( Boston ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Buckley , Jr. , McGeorge Bundy , Henry Chauncey , Jr. , Inslee Clark , Arthur Howe , Paul Moore , Jr. , William Stack , Eustace Theodore , and James Tobin . Whitney Griswold's schedule : Author's interviews with Henry Chauncey , Jr. 142 ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
Comrades, Critics, and Dynamics in the Struggle for Socialism Paul Le Blanc. 46. James Gilbert, Designing the ... Buckley, ed., American Conservative Thought in the Twentieth Century (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1970). Peter ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Buckley Remembered , ” Laredo Morning Times , February 13 , 2013 ; Personal Papers of Esther Gonzalez - Arroyo ... Paul Burka , " Why They Won : What the Elections Mean for Texas , " Texas Monthly , December 1984 . 67. Scott ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Paul J. Myer personal collection , in author's possession . 46 Keefer interview . 47 Claudia Bernard , “ Moratorium ... Buckley , “ Questions about Nixon Hope to Lower Vote Age , ” Bismarck Tribune ( March 14 , 1969 ) , 4 . 16 John ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Buckley ( second quotation ) , Elizabeth Dade Embick Wedemeyer , and Margaret Forsythe Camp ; Ada Baker Shelton ... Paul J. Matte and Robert G. Matte . 50. Ivins , " Monkeys Have No Tails , " 9 . 51. Maurer Maurer , Aviation in the ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Paul Prucha, The Sword of the Republic: The United States Army on the Frontier, 1783–1846 (Lincoln: University of ... Buckley, William Clark, 209. 34. Black Hawk, Life of Black Hawk, 79–82; Jung, The Black Hawk War of 1832, 150. 35 ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Buckley in The Yardstick ( Nov. 19 , 1951 ) , in folder 193 , box 410 , WFB . On Catholics and modern conservatism , see Patrick Allitt , Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics in America , 1950-1985 ( Ithaca , 1993 ) . 31. Paul ...
"inauthor: Paul Buckley" sur
... Paul Manafort: American Hustler,” Atlantic, March 2018. See also Cannon, DuBose, and Reid, Boy Genuis. 19. Nicholas ... Buckley, “A Landmark Decision Turns Forty: A Conversation on Buckley v. Valeo,” Journal of Law and Policy 25 ...