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Abstract. This chapter studies the musical history of Ronsard's Petrarchan sonnet collection, Les Amours (1552), beginning with the musical Supplément appe.
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Online Learning Packets to accompany Invitation au monde francophone to be used by instructors and students in levels 101.51-103.51 in the French ...
Faced with the rise in arrivals form Afghanistan, in October 2015 the German Ministry of Interior Thomas ... fuller justice to the spirit of Article 3.
This article examines the discovery of an early fifth-century bifolium (M), CLA Suppl.1728, containing Cyprian's De opere et eleemosynis.
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The medieval author in medieval French Literature / edited by Virginie. Greene. p. cm.—(Studies in Arthurian and courtly cultures). Includes bibliographical ...
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PREFACE. French 17 seeks to provide an annual survey of the work done each year in the general area of 17th French studies.
Modern Humanities Research Association - Modern Language Review 95.3.